What is the Leptospirosis Vaccine and do I need to vaccinate my dog every year?
The short answer to the question above is: YES you should vaccinate your dog every year! But only the bacterial component, Leptospirosis Vaccine, has to be given every year. The viral component can be given every three years. Confused? Let’s break it down.

What is my dog getting at his yearly vaccination jabs?
If you’ve been getting only one type of vaccination every year, chances are that your dog has received combined CORE vaccine which covers:
- Distemper (viral)
- Parainfluenza (viral)
- Adenovirus (viral)
- Parvovirus (viral)
- Leptospirosis (bacterial)
What do you mean by the bacterial and viral component of the vaccine?
The diseases covered above are caused by both viruses and bacteria. Remember for now that leptospirosis* is the bacterial component.
Current guidelines state that the viral protection from the vaccine lasts three years or more, and bacterial protection lasts one year. So in theory your dog should only need to get vaccinated against leptospirosis yearly
So why am I getting the viral component yearly as well?
There are a few (mainly logistical) reasons that core vaccines are given yearly.
One main reason is that it makes sense to stock one vaccine rather than two to prevent less wasted stock. It is best to ask your vet if they stock it. VetMobile currently carries Leptospirosis vaccines, and we try to keep a stock all year round.
How do you suggest that we vaccinate our dogs?
VetMobile recommends the administration of Leptospirosis vaccine yearly, and the combined vaccine every three years.
There have been many arguments regarding over-vaccination out there recently. We believe that vaccination is required to prevent the unneccesary spread of diseases. Yet, we also believe that each pet has to be assessed individually before any vaccination. Elderly or pets with certain ailments may not be suitable for vaccination.
My clinic does not stock leptospirosis vaccine! What can I do?
Request! Write to your vet clinic an e-mail saying that you’re interested in getting the vaccine yearly, or let them know in person when you see them. The reason for the rarity of leptospirosis vaccine is partly due to the perceived lack of demand. However if the informed pool of owners let their views be known, just getting the bacterial vaccine yearly instead may become the norm.
You can also contact us about getting the vaccination, we usually hold a stock of the vaccine at any one time.
In summary: ask your vet for leptospirosis vaccine yearly, and the combined vaccine every three years. Talk to your vet to know what is good for your dog!
*Note: Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease that can cause severe liver and renal failure in dogs and people. They survive well in stagnant fresh water, such as drains and fresh water pools