Blood donor programme for cats and dogs

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We would like to provide a platform to facilitate a programme for matching up of blood donors and recipients.

Currently, owners of blood recipients depend mostly on their network of friends, family and other pet owners for blood donors. It could be a stressful affair for both the pet owners and the consulting veterinarians. Potential donors have to be screened for blood parasites and blood type before deciding if the donor is suitable.

How we work

We are looking for suitable blood donors to join this programme. Blood donation is not required until a suitable recipient requires blood. We will then contact the donor’s owner and arrange for donation.

Well-mannered pets with excellent temperament may be able to donate blood at the comfort of their home.

Suitable candidates


  • >5kg lean mass
  • 2—8 years of age
  • FIV/FeLV negative
  • Complete Blood Count normal
  • Blood biochemistry normal
  • Good natured
  • Generally healthy with no ongoing medical conditions


  • >20kg lean mass
  • 2—7 years of age
  • Negative for heartworm and tick fever
  • Complete blood count normal
  • Blood biochemistry normal
  • Good natured
  • Generally healthy with no ongoing medical conditions
To register as blood donor
What do I get for signing up as a donor?
  • Annual blood tests, general examination and vaccination at a discounted price
  • If your pet has a successful donation, she/he will receive a blood test package paid for by the recipient’s owner.
  • You will find out the blood type of your pet. Also, the annual health screening and blood tests would ensure early detection of any medical condition
There are so many forums and FB groups out there. Why do we need this new system?

All the donors on our list would have been examined and blood tested by a vet within the past year or less. This will reduce the time required to screen and select potential donors. That being said, blood typing is more complicated in cats and dogs than in human beings. We screen them for the major blood types but there are many other antigens (protein on the red blood cell) that could affect compatibility. Further cross matching may be necessary before transfusion.

Our system is still new and we are open to suggestions. Let us know how we could make it better!

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