Cooking with VetMobile Christmas Edition: Juicy Meatballs for Pets

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Christmas means time for home cooked goodness! Here’s our seasonal suggestion of juicy meatballs suitable for cats and dogs!

Juicy Meatballs for Pets


  • ~250g minced meat of your choice (see below for different meat options)
  • 1 small egg
  • 3 teaspoons corn starch
  • ~50g carrot 
  • ~50g broccoli 
  • sesame or olive oil for baking


1. Wash vegetables thoroughly to ensure that surface dirt and pesticides are removed as much as possible

2. Peel carrot and grate it up. Chop broccoli into small pieces

3. Mix vegetables, corn starch, egg, and mince meat well

4. Oil baking sheet or foil. Roll meat mixture into 6 to 8 balls arrange them about 3cm spacing from each other.

5. Bake at 200 degree celcius for 18 to 20 mins. Cut one to check if the middle is fully cooked

Leftovers can be kept in the fridge or freezer and fed to your fluffy ones over several meals!

Common meat options

Warming nature. Good for animals with digestive problems, poor appetite or diarrhoea. Not suited for animals who are allergic to chicken or animals with skin inflammation etc.

Warming nature. Good for weak/thin animals. Not suited for animals with hepatitis or nephritis

Neutral nature. Good for weak, coughing or constipated animals. Not suited for tired, obese or painful animals

Neutral nature. Good for most animals. Improves appetite

Warming nature. Good for weak animals. Not suited for animals with excess heat

Although Christmas is a time to relax, remember to have everything in moderation! Happy holidays!

Confused about pet food labels? Read about it here.

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