From Angeline
One year ago, we started our little business and now it turned one! Happy Birthday! We named it VetMobile, inspired by Batmobile, despite not having a vehicle. In this one year, we met many amazing beings(both human and animals). We got all excited when we received calls from new clients. We cheered when our patients improved. We worked hard to think of solutions for unresolved cases.

Sometimes we had to refer cases to hospitals with better facilities and expertise. We grieved for the patients we lost and wished for as few euthanasias as possible. We enjoyed seeing healthy patients for routine vaccinations and health checks. We couldn’t have done all these without the support from our clients, friends, vet colleagues and cooperative pets. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
From Zheng Hao
A year ago today I took a leap into the unknown with my then-partner-now-wife to start VetMobile. Firstly it was because there was no well known model for a mobile veterinary clinic in Singapore. But also more importantly and fear-inspiringly, I had no experience in the profession whatsoever. Perhaps it was this naivety which pushed us into this venture. More knowledge might have led to more fear, and so as the old saying goes: ignorance is bliss. We jumped into the deep end to learn how to swim.
Turns out that starting a company is hard work regardless if you have experience in the field or not. Often I have found that our service is more than just solving medical issues, but owners often also needs things on top of that technical knowledge: assurance that they are doing the best they can.
We have learnt much in the last year, I can only imagine what the next year will teach us. Thank you to everyone who has worked with us, guided us, and gave us words of encouragement to continue what we are doing! Happy Birthday to us!
To the VetMobile!
Zheng Hao