What is it?
Heartworm is a blood-borne parasite. It is not zoonotic and will not pass to humans.
How does it spread?
Mosquitoes spread the juvenile parasites from one dog/cat to another
Why is prevention important in Singapore?
Singapore, being tropical and hot all year round, has ample mosquitoes to spread the disease!
How do I get my dog/cat started on prevention?
Start your dog on prevention if he/she is younger than 6 months of age. Dogs older than 6 months require a blood test before starting on prevention.
You may start cats on Revolution anytime!
Why is a blood test required for dogs?
There is a possibility that your pet already has heartworm. Some preventives may cause an anaphylatic reaction, by killing the juvenile heartworm in the bloodstream
Could you tell me more about the blood test?
Test for heartworm takes about 15 minutes to run, and can be run on the spot. We require 4 drops of blood to run the test. It tells us if your pet has any adult female heartworms
What kind of preventives are there?
Oral preventives:
- Heartgard
- Interceptor
- Nexgard Spectra
Spot-on preventives (to be applied between shoulder blades):
- Advocate
- Revolution
Injectable preventive
- Proheart
How often do I give the preventives?
Oral and spot-on: Once a month
Injection: Once yearly