Pre-visit Medication For Cats And Dogs

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Anxiety, fear and stress in cats and dogs can be main reasons for an unpleasant vet visit. With the use of pre-visit medication, we can perform the physical examination with ease while avoiding unnecessary stress and discomfort.

What is Gabapentin?

Gabapentin is an antiepileptic and pain relief medication that is prescribed by veterinarians to treat seizures, chronic pain and anxiety in cats and dogs. 

What does Gabapentin do and how does it help?

Gabapentin works by decreasing the abnormal excitement of nerve cells in the brain. By reducing the neurotransmitters, the nervous system calms down, reducing signs of anxiety and stress.

How and when to feed Gabapentin?

Gabapentin can be fed with a high-value tasty treat that your cats and dogs love but don’t get to have often. If you have a picky eater, avoid mixing it into their regular food to prevent them from disliking their own food. 

Please give the prescribed dosage 2-3 hours before the vet visit or as instructed by your vet. Keep the environment quiet and your pet calm while waiting for your vet to arrive. 

Potential side effects 

Common side effects include sedation and incoordination. Your pet may seem very sleepy and wobbly. To reduce these effects, gabapentin can be gradually increased over time. As Gabapentin is a short-acting medication, it should stop working within 24 hours. These effects may last longer in pets with liver or kidney disease.

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