Rainy day musing

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Rainy days are always a good time for reflections. Recently we have been trying to fit in leisure sessions between our appointments.

Just the other day, we were having waffles for lunch in a non-hurried manner after a morning of busy locum work. This would be unheard of if I was still doing full-time vet work. We usually gobble our food or skip meals altogether. I am grateful that my quality of life has improved.

Even though I’m earning less, I’m also working less and giving better care to each of my patient. My worries have changed. I used to worry more about possibilities of making calculation mistakes and wrong judgements, especially when I was doing overnight shifts. The lack of rest and sleep while doing 8–14 hours shifts really dulls your brain.

My current worries have more to do with sustenance. Am I working enough? How do I let people know about our service? Am I charging too much or too little? Am I having too much fun?

Just a rainy day musing from team Vetmobile. Follow our updates here.

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