VetMobile: The beginnings and the people running it

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VetMobile started as a tinnie weenie random idea in Angeline’s head in 2012. She has the tendency to come up with silly ideas. The idea was forgotten for a long time. Just as Angeline was going to quit her job in Hong Kong and even contemplated giving up vetting, the idea re-emerged!

Batmobile is our inspiration. We aim to deliver quality consistent housecall service to pets in need. Through a combination of Western and Chinese medicine, we hope to help your pets live the most comfortable and fulfilling life they could have.

In 2019, we finally got our vehicle—- a bright yellow hatchback! VetMobile is slowly improving and our dream is to be able to provide oxygen supplementation for emergency transportation and perhaps a portable ultrasound system for those emergency scans.

Dr Angeline Yang

Graduated from Massey University, NZ, in 2011. Since then, she has discovered interests in nutrition as well as ophthalmology. She is also a firm believer of holistic treatment and preventive medicine. She practices Traditional Chinese Medicine together with Western medical knowledge and is a certified Vet Acupuncturist with Chi Institute, Florida. Her patients are not limited to cats and dogs. She welcomes all other small critters— rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, tortoises—into her consultation room.

A person with multiple interests, she enjoys unicycling, aerial hooping, playing ultimate frisbee, biking, Rubik’s cubing, doodling, knitting, reading, traveling and exploring new places. She spent a year practicing in Hong Kong before returning once again to the sunny island. Dr Yang has been learning Japanese since 2007 and other than her yearly pilgrimage to Japan, she enjoys practicing the language when she gets the opportunity to do so. Her dream is to own several laying hens, a small vegetable farm, one greyhound, one cat two cats (we adopted 2 cats since we started VetMobile) and an alpaca or two.

Choo Zheng Hao

Graduated from Imperial College, London, in 2012. He has been active in the circus scene since university days. An avid juggler/rubik’s cuber/knitter/math-lover/multi-talented individual, Choo taught circus arts to children in Singapore and spent a year teaching Math in Hong Kong.

After his stint in Hong Kong, Choo took up the challenge to learn veterinary skills. He has been enjoying it so far. His calm and composed demeanour has proven to be useful in this sometimes hectic industry. He has a soft spot for whippets and greyhounds.

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