VetMobile without the Mobile (we got one now!)

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Yes, we call ourselves VetMobile, inspired by Batmobile, but unlike the Caped Crusader we are without our personal chariot.

As you might know, owning a vehicle in Singapore is costly. It would definitely make our job slightly more convenient but it will also increase our running cost. We believe in charging our clients reasonably and it would be a shame if most are unable to afford our service. Hence, we continue to lug our “barang barang” around (Choo does most of the lifting) while we travel by public transport: Taxi, train, bus.

At first glance it seems like if we know what the issue was beforehand, we could just take out the necessary equipment before visiting our patient and reduce our load. However the reality is that a full diagnosis can never be attained without a physical examination. This means that any simple eventuality must be taken into consideration. And as we come across more patients, our experience leads us to include more things in our basic kit: for example an ET tube was added in the unfortunate case that a patient stops breathing.

Hopefully, in the future as we get more consistent appointments, we will be able to get our dream VetMobile. Then, we will be able to offer transportation/ambulance service. We have received requests from owners to pick up their pets from home for elective surgeries. Please approach us if you have special requests like this. We will attempt to work out something suitable for you

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